Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share some highlights from this past year…but it’s kind of hard to narrow everything down, I mean, there was just so much stuff that happened…not complaining though! In the broadest sense, 2017 has been an overwhelming, jam-packed, crazy exciting, monumental year for me. And I don’t even think I’m exaggerating! For starters, I accomplished so many of my goals (honestly, more than I could have imagined!). I’m most proud of: being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, graduating college at the top 10% of my class, and interviewing/landing my first job (in NYC nonetheless). Of course it’s all rose-colored glasses now, but getting to this point took countless hours of hard work, stress, stress, stress, and I can’t forget to mention, lots of tears. But yeah, let’s forget about all that and move on! Below I’m sharing 17 highlights from this past year:
- Applied for my first real job…got rejected after my first interview…got other interviews…got a job!!
- Traveled to new places: Colorado, Canada, hmmm that’s all that is coming to mind right now…
- Pushed my limits- I did a 30+ mile hike in 3 days! Carrying everything I needed on my back!
- Mastered the subway in NYC, okay, partially mastered, okay truthfully I am at best competent when it comes to the subway, but I still have a long way to go!
- Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Roanoke College with honors in my Creative Writing major!
- Donated $$$ to Roanoke College (the least I can do since Roanoke has been so good to me!)
- Volunteered at several high-profile events in NYC (and played it cool in front of all the famous people in attendance)
- Was lucky enough to attend more sporting events than I can count. I’m such a good spectator/fan, especially for NYCFC and the Yankees!
- Committed to a daily workout routine. Thank you Pure Barre Greenwich!
- Whipped my butt into shape (see number nine).
- Organized two hugely successful charitable events through the firm I work for. It was such an amazing experience working with New York Cares and Volunteers of America to donate backpacks and Christmas presents to children in need in NYC.
- Invested in a DSLR camera…and still have no idea how to use it (ah, don’t judge me!) I swear I want to learn…when I have time…eventually…
- Started saving for retirement? Is this real life? Yes, I have a 401K and a large chunk of each paycheck goes directly into it. So that’s where all my money goes, right? Hmm…that’s what I like to tell myself.
- Finally started to drink red wine! Prior to a few months ago I was a strictly rosé and chardonnay kind of girl, but now I can’t get enough red wine, and I wish I didn’t like it so much because I don’t want my teeth to stain… And yes I consider this a highlight, it shows how my wine pallet is maturing, and that’s a real life/adult thing, right? Right.
- Continued sticking to my dairy free/pescatarian diet. As much as I love cheese, it doesn’t love me. My skin breaks out so badly anytime I have dairy, so for now at least it’s a hard pass on any creamy deliciousness.
- Doubled my Instagram following, yay and thank you for supporting me in this creative endeavor of mine!
- And obviously….Started this blog! I love how Style Inherited allows me to share my love for fashion, travel, food, and all the other random things I dabble in! Thank YOU for reading and following along! 2018 is going to be even better. Believe it.
I’d love to hear your highlights from 2017 and while you’re at it, how do you plan on ringing in the new year? I’ll be jetting off to Belize next week to kick off 2018 the right way! Family vacation here I come! Below are some of my favorite shots from this year, I can’t believe I’ve already been doing this whole blog thing for over 4 months now! Yay me!