Coming to you live this Wednesday with a #realtalk post! I’ve been told that these kinds of posts are your favorite, so A) thank you! and B) I hope this one doesn’t disappoint! I’m going to try not to rant, but… no promises. Basically, I’m frustrated, really, really frustrated because my acne is the worst […]
Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share some highlights from this past year…but it’s kind of hard to narrow everything down, I mean, there was just so much stuff that happened…not complaining though! In the broadest sense, 2017 has been an overwhelming, jam-packed, crazy exciting, monumental year for me. And I don’t even think I’m […]
Over the years for various reasons my family’s Christmas traditions have faded into distant memories. That’s why I cling now to the few traditions we have left, or rather the new traditions we’ve concocted over the past few years. Growing up Christmases were always at my childhood home in Redding, CT, but now Christmases are […]
I thought I’d test out a few different formats to share my gift guides for easy shopping. Directly below you can click through all the items that I think would make great gifts for your travel-loving friend/family member and then below that you can find my thoughts on my top pics (featured in the collage […]
Happy Black Friday weekend! I don’t typically make a fuss over Black Friday because the sales last all weekend. I mean, what’s the real hype for Friday? I’d rather avoid the crowds and risk a few things being sold out in my size. With that being said, I braced the streets of Greenwich…okay…Greenwich Ave on […]
Kicking off my gift guides with awesome, yet affordable gifts under $30! Keep an eye out for the next gift guide (spoiler alert, it’s tailored for those with the travel bug!) if you’re looking for ideas and have a higher price point. Below you’ll find little blurbs to go along with each item featured […]