Is it just me or did this week fly by!? I guess I’m pretty excited about this blog post, which I might say about every blog post, but ah! This one is going to be a good one so grab a glass of your collagen infused water and get ready to find out why I […]

Why I Don’t Regret Taking A Break From Blogging

It’s Monday! I’m so excited to share with you something that is very on trend: layering a t-shirt and a dress. So if that’s all you care to read about then skip a few paragraphs below, but before diving into this new trend I wanted to share how productive of a weekend I had! As […]

On Trend: Layering a T-Shirt and Dress

I would say Happy Monday, but it’s Monday… ha! I might not be the biggest fan of Mondays right now with this freezing winter weather and having to wake up at 5:00am. Who else is with me?! Anyway, I had a relaxing weekend, which come few and far between for me these days. Actually, relaxing […]

Au Revoir and Stars

My Kitchen Must-Haves

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