I’ve always been pretty good about keeping my fridge nice and organized. Unlike my bathroom vanity or closet, which definitely get a little out of hand sometimes, my fridge gets a thorough clean-out once every two weeks. I’m much more compelled to stay on top of cleaning/organizing my fridge with there being this tangible benefit. […]

Fridge Organization While In Quarantine

Hello hello friends! Whether you’re dairy free (like me) or you just LOVE an easy-to-make, delicious dessert, then today’s blog post is definitely for you! I’m finally sharing this super easy 3 ingredient dairy free chocolate mousse. I’ve been indulging in this chocolate mousse a little more often than I probably should admit. Oops! It’s […]

Easy Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse

Prepare for picture overload! Jetting up to Montreal for the day was unreal! I had such an amazing time exploring the whole city and loved the challenge of only doing so in one day. Below you’ll find my detailed itinerary. I prepared the itinerary ahead of time and am so glad that I did because […]

Montreal (In Less Than 24 Hours) Travel Guide

My Kitchen Must-Haves

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