Hello and Happy Monday! I’m heading up to Vermont tomorrow with my friend Shamika and I couldn’t be more excited! Get ready for lots of fall foliage content and a recap of our trip on the blog later this week! I also have a bunch of SUPER exciting events coming up (like with Nordstrom… ummm […]

Getting Back Into Running…With Ranger!

Hi guys! I’m super excited for today’s post and I think you guys are too-considering a few of you requested it! I’ve been getting DM’s on Instagram asking me questions about Pure Barre basically ever since I started going regularly. I love getting your Pure Barre questions and I love hearing that I’ve even inspired […]

Everything You Want To Know About Pure Barre Classic…And More!

  Hi Guys! First off, my apologies if you’ve been missing my usual style/fashion posts. I know, I miss them too! But I’ve also been enjoying writing posts that are a bit more real and personal and that go beyond “I love this dress and you will too!” Everything I read online says I need to […]

An Honest Post About Body Image

Happy Friday! Are you going out with girls, hanging out at home on the couch with a bottle of wine, celebrating the end of a week with a big bowl of ice cream? Not me! Sigh… Monday marked the start of my 40 day health/nutrition challenge which involves basically cutting out all the goooood stuff […]

Sugar Detox: Day 5 of 40

My Kitchen Must-Haves

Looking for something else?