I always thought my acne would be gone after high school, but alas it’s still something I’m dealing with. Over the years I’ve slowly come to terms with my acne, well, sort of. I still have bad days where I loath my skin and curse my genes, but for the most part I’ve learned to […]

Overcoming Acne and Staying Positive

  Happy happy happy Friday! I am so excited to hopefully relax a little bit this weekend, and not be traveling! For once! Here are a few of my favorites from this week. Shout-out to my sister for getting me such a cute birthday present, see more on this below! Nesting Wine Glasses- One of […]

A Few Favorites

Let me start by saying I spent a lot of time hemming and hawing over whether I “needed” the Apple Watch. I’m not the most tech-savvy person so I was worried that I’d end up only using the watch to tell time, in which case shelling out a couple hundred bucks seemed ridiculous! In case […]

Everything You Need To Know About The Apple Watch:

Happy Friday! I’m excited to be continuing my “Few Favorites” series, which will be making a regular appearance on Fridays. I’d love to hear what your favorite products/accessories/books are currently, make sure to share! One thing I did want to mention is that I have high standards with the “favorites” that make this post. I […]

A Few Favorites: Cartier, Gray Malin, Sugarfina, and more!

So excited that I’m sharing part 2 of the “Things I Learned After Accepting My First Job” series! Today’s post is focusing ALL around interviewing. I really don’t even think I cover half the stuff about interviewing, but hopefully you see this as a good start. AND hopefully you make sure to reach out with […]

Things I Learned After Accepting My First Job: INTERVIEWING

The inspiration for this post came after reading an article Carly Heitlinger (The College Prepster) wrote about being successful at blogging. One area Carly focused was how we tend to compare ourselves to all the bloggers or influencers on Instagram and how it can get overwhelming. I mean, look at these women! With their Gucci […]

How I Afford Blogging

I haven’t been apple picking in forever! There’s something about going to an orchard that just brings you back to your childhood…wait…why is that? I mean, there’s nothing childish about picking fresh fruit, baking pies, and making jams/sauces. Okay, anyway, exploring Russell’s Orchard in Ipswich, Massachusetts last weekend was such a blast! The orchard has […]

Apple Picking and Apple Pie

In honor of turning twenty-two I am sharing twenty-two goals that I plan on achieving before my next birthday. Do you keep a list of goals? I have at least three different lists going at all times, is that weird? I mean, I have a work/career focused goals list, a personal goals list, a travel […]

Twenty-Two Goals:

Guys! My parents and I have so much fun together, they’re never getting rid of me! My mom and I recently went to Bar 65 at The Rainbow Room and had such an amazing time! Unfortunately, my dad was working so he wasn’t able to join. Bar 65 has been on my radar for a […]

Bar 65 at The Rainbow Room

Growing up in New England I’ve been blessed (although sometimes I would consider it a curse) to experience all four seasons. As for my favorite season, it has always been a close tie between fall and summer for me. How could I not love summer? With the hot nights barbecuing with family and friends, the […]

Appreciating Autumn (in Patagonia)   

My Kitchen Must-Haves

Looking for something else?