5 Reasons Why You NEED A Maltipoo Puppy

  1. Alex says:

    This is the kind of dog and also that color I am looking for where can I get one???

  2. Chrissa says:

    What kind is the puppy’s parents

  3. Debbie says:

    What color was Ranger advertised as ? Apricot? And has she faded ?
    Do you know her parents names?

    • Hi Debbie,

      She is Apricot. She has gotten a lot lighter over the past year and a half. She used to be my exact hair color, but she’s still considered apricot even though she’s lightened up. If you’re looking for something darling than Ranger then I believe you’d be looking for “Red”.

      Unfortunately I don’t remember her parent’s names, but if you ask the breeder what Ranger’s parents were she probably still has the records.


      • Debbie says:

        Thank you!
        I am going to try to get one from your breeder. She has creams and apricots. They have the same parents ( Clara and Loki) as my brothers dog (they were able to get a red). And I have heard that the dogs might turn white. Can you send me a current picture of Ranger?
        Thank you!

  4. Debbie Loescher says:

    She is SO STINKIN CUTE!!!!!
    Do you have an opinion on female vs male maltipoo???

  5. Sandy Stein says:

    Would you share the breeder of your little one with me? Or any other breeder you’ve heard of from happy pet parents?

    Sandy Stein

  6. Victoria W says:

    Hi! I am getting a female maltipoo within the next couple months, and I wanted to know some tips you have that worked with training Ranger? Thanks!

  7. Maranda says:

    Can you send me an email with the breakers information?

    • Boyette deborah says:

      I have a black maltipoo with one back white paw on the bottom she is a velcro puppy 3years old I’m 70 and home all the time we sleep together eat at the same time and she follows me everywhere but she does not like anyone near me my boyfreind of 21 years didn’t like her I made him leave

  8. Elaine royster says:

    Looking for an apricot maltipoo and would like to know the names and address of Ranger’s breeders. Thanks

  9. Mickey Torres says:

    Great information. I’m looking for an apricot or red maltipoo. Can you help me find a Breeder? I live in Oakland, TN. Willing to travel. Thank you so much.

  10. Taste Gaming says:

    Hello Helen

    Do you know if both parents of your lovely Ranger have health clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for patellas (knees) and thyroid and from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) certifying that the eyes are normal, including a DNA test for progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

    My sweet girl Molly ( Pomapoo ) who was in many of my Youtube videos died 2 days ago and in time i just know i will want another companion. With so many small breeds to choose from, i really want to find one that will be a nice match again for me ( i am at home 20+ hrs a day making Youtube videos ). How healthy overall is this particular mix? Is Ranger doing ok so far? I would like to look at another Pompoo perhaps but currently where i live in Canada i cannot find any so i was looking at perhaps other breeds that might fit the bill. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you.

    • Hi there! I don’t believe Ragner’s parents have any health certifications, however, my breeder gave me her vet’s information so I was able to speak to the vet and confirm that the parents have healthy histories. So far Ranger has been perfect, no problems at all!

      My breeder is out of VA, but you can get a nanny to fly your pup to you if needed.


  11. Debbie M Padgett says:

    Thank you so much for your helpful information. I have been seriously looking for just the right dog for myself and I think I have found it. I love the size, their little curls and their sweet little faces. I also live alone and am retired so I get somewhat lonesome. I need a little companion to love and take care of and take walks with and play with. I have had several dogs, birds, & cats but not for several years. I stay home mostly so I believe she would be just perfect for me, and I like the fact that they do not shed very much. I want one the color of your Ranger. She is so cute. I may not be able to get one, however, because they are rather expensive, but I will just have to see.
    Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me.

  12. Millie Sidhu says:

    Can I get your breeders info?

  13. Stephanie says:

    Can I please have your breeder’s information?

    • Hi Stephanie! The breeder info is actually embedded in a sign-up form so you just input your email and then it automatically takes you to the page with her info! 🙂

  14. Great article. Couldn’t write much better!

  15. James says:

    Hi – would appreciate name contact info for your Breeder – Lov your description of Ranger and the breed – thank you

  16. Katherine Smith says:

    Hi Helen! Add me to your list of Ranger’s admirers🥰 I also would be really thankful if you could email me rangers parents and breeders and any other information that you have perhaps even on other breeders etc. also would love to see a current picture of Ranger. I am also interested in an apricot maltipoo. Ironically I was born in Malta andI have a dog a Norfolk terrier that looks like Ranger .. Much Obliged…. Katherine Smith

    • Hi Katherine,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! Ranger is the absolute best!! If you drop your email in the imbedded sing-up form in this post you’ll get Ranger’s breeder info sent directly to your inbox! I can’t remember the names of her parents, but I bet the breeder has that information on file.
      I love your story of how you were born in Malta! That’s incredible!!

      Let me know if you have any other questions!


  17. Samantha Mendes says:

    Hi. I am interested in the name of the breeder you got Ranger from! And thanks for all of the information!

    • Hi Samantha! The information is in the embedded email sign up form! Just drop your email in the box and then you’ll get the information directly sent to your inbox! Best,

  18. Suzanne says:

    I have 2 maltipoos. Love them. Best dogs I have ever owned!!! My 2 year old Is 11 pounds and not a barker much at all. My 5 month old is 7 pounds and this one sadly barks a lot !!! Hoping we can quite it a bit as he ages but I wouldn’t trade him for anything!!!!

  19. Katherine Bechard says:

    Hi Helen,

    Sadly, we recently lost our Maltese Shih Tzu after 15 amazing years with her. I grew up with a toy poodle who lived to be 19 — she was my birthday present on my 5th birthday and died almost 2 years after I graduated from college! I value these breeds and love the thought of a MaltePoo. Your pup is beautiful! I would really appreciate the info for his breeder.

    Many thanks,

    • Hi Katherine, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. I too got a dog for my 5th birthday (a Bichon) and she lived until she was 17, which was amazing! I’m so lucky to have Ranger now who is the light of my life! You should see an embedded form in this blog post which will allow you to put your email in and then get Ranger’s breeder info sent directly to your inbox! Let me know if you have any other questions, thank you!

  20. Latia says:

    Hi! Loved your post! Ranger is absolutely adorbs! 😍 I’ve been researching Hypoallergenic dogs for the sake of my twin boys who “used to be allergic”. I’ve been praying they grew out of their allergies and will be tested soon. Could you share your pups breeder info please? Maybe even a website would be great!

  21. Joseph says:

    Great Tips!
    I really appreciate your efforts put on this post. Thanks for sharing this…

  22. Jewel Noullett says:

    Hi, do you know of any where in Canada that is a good breeder with happy owners

  23. diane says:

    I have a 12 year old Maltipoo. He is the love you mention in your post. He actually was a rescue from the streets. As a puppy he has an abusive owner who dumped him on the streets at 1. He did have PTSD and was hard to love on and pet. I have bite scars from him but, neither myself or my husband even raised a finger to him. We understood.
    I got a natural essence for PTSD for dogs and it worked wonders. He became the loving dog he was meant to be.
    Since then he has been pure joy. I love him very much and dread the day he passes. It will be devastating as he is my buddy. I talk to him and he looks like he understands. So cute. He gets his way and he is so loved. He knows he is loved and adored. I wish he could live twice as long as dogs live but, we all know its not possible.
    Charlie is pure joy

  24. Brenda Fromczak says:

    Please send me the name of your breeder. Ranger is adorable.
    Thank you,
    Brenda Fronczak

  25. Emma M Schierling says:

    I really appreciate all the information you gave on your Maltipoo!
    I am retired and thinking about getting a dog and looking for what I should get.
    Could you please tell me where you got your puppy?
    I live in Dallas, Texas so I suppose they would send the puppy to me if I were to purchase the puppy there.
    Thank you!
    I’ll be waiting for your suggustions!

  26. Deb says:

    Hello! I would love to have the contact info for the breeder you got Ranger from! Thanks!!

  27. Sandy says:

    Can you tell me how much Ranger weighed when he was born? I have a maltipoo pup coming in Match
    She weighed 7.2 oz At birth
    She was the runt of the litter
    Her daddy is 5 lbs
    I am hoping she stays on the small size

  28. Jeri Helgestad says:

    I am interested in getting a puppy. Ranger is so adorable. Can you please send me your breeders information? Thanks so much!

  29. Ken says:

    Hello. I love your Maltipoo. We are looking for a reputable breeder. We live in PA and it would be worth the drive. How is the temperament after a couple of years? And how about the barking? If you could recommend a breeder that would be appreciated.

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